Your Empowerment Mentoring Journey

Are you a World Changer ready to make a difference in the lives of others?

In order to help others, we have to first help ourselves. Your Empowerment Mentoring Journey is broken down into 3 Modules that address each stage of empowerment needed to get ourselves in a position to help others. The modules teach lessons to Know Yourself, Grow Yourself, and Break Free of limiting beliefs that might be holding back from your purpose.

How would it feel to finally live the life of your dreams?

Can I challenge your thinking on chronic pain? For years I had given up HOPE that anything could change. What irritated me most was when people, especially my doctors, gave me “the look.” You know the one…like it was all in my head. Like I was making it all up. We don’t make up the pain. But what if we could think our way out of it?

YES! I am ready to bet on myself and become all that I can be! I would like to invest in me and work with you to:

  • Uncover my purpose and pin point what it is I really want
  • Examine why I’m stuck doing the same old habits
  • Understand what is holding me back and what I’m afraid of
  • Find out how to change from the inside out to make my dreams a reality
  • Learn strategies to keep moving forward towards my dreams

Total investment just $997

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  • 12 week program
  • 12 modules full curriculum
  • 1.5 hour call every every week
  • Q & A calls
  • Ask or email your questions
  • Exclusive Members only Facebook Group


And as my special gift to you, when you sign up we’ll get you started right away with the one and only


Introduction to Personal Growth

Video program!

Your Empowerment Mentoring Journey

  • We love it when something happens
  • We get caught up in the story
  • Are taken away from what we say is important
  • Every man chooses the best option he sees, his only problem is that he is mistaken
  • We are all imperfect .. all doing our best
  • Humility and forgiveness are two sides of the same coin
  • Your attitude is your thoughts, your feelings and your actions .. it is all of them together
  • Earl Nightingale’s attitude test .. is life treating you well?
  • Keeping track
  • Setting goals
  • Living on purpose
  • At times of change we either step forward into growth or back into safety
  • We must continually push through the fear and frustration in order to extend the comfort zone
  • We do not grow for no reason
  • We must identify something we want
  • This is not a rehearsal
  • A goal that is casually set is freely abandoned ~ Zig Ziglar
  • Gratitude keeps our mind on what is good
  • Beware the temptation to feel yourself hard done by
  • Gratitude connects us to our source of supply
  • We do not get what we want we get what we are
  • Like attracts like
  • Dual force of action and attraction from being
  • Growth takes place outside the Comfort zone
  • You are responsible, no one is going to do it for you
  • Growth starts with a decision
  • You have everything you need for a full life
  • You are a perfect imperfect human being
  • You have more potential than you will ever use
  • Live a ‘world famous’ life
  • Living a life of significance
  • We use our perception for us or against
  • We disturb ourselves not by the things that happen but by the views we take of them ~ Epictetus



Total investment just $997

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