“Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.” --Vincent Van Gogh As I ended the Zoom call, I raised my arms in victory in my... read more →
“Gratefulness for what is there is one of the most powerful tools for creating what is not yet there. What does gratefulness mean? It means you appreciate what is. You value, you give attention to, you honor whatever is here at this moment." --Eckhart Tolle What does gratitude have to... read more →
"Keep looking up...that's the secret of life." --Charlie Brown I am facilitating a class called "Leading Through Crisis" and one of the group reflection questions this week was; What are some helpful ideas to keep thinking positively during times of challenge? The participants, who are local leaders came up with these... read more →
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." --Walt Disney Think back to another time (not Corona virus) when you felt you lost everything. When was a time when your life seemed out of control and... read more →
"It's in times of crisis that good leaders emerge." --Rudy Giuliani This week was the first session of John Maxwell's "Leading Through Crisis" Roundtable and I wanted to share some of those concepts with you. John starts out by telling us that this whole teaching is about perspective, because "how we view... read more →
"In every adversity, there lies the seed of equivalent advantage. In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time." --Robert Collier There was a family that had twin boys. Worried that the boys had developed extreme personalities – one was a total pessimist, the other a total... read more →
“Somewhere between stimulus and response lies our greatest freedom, our ability to choose, our ability to choose our state."--Viktor Frankl This "shelter in place" has my emotions going up and down AND my attitude responds accordingly. My "in-face" workshops and coaching calendar has been wiped clean. That's not so bad,... read more →
“You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."--Christopher Robin Has your kitchen table become your school room? Are you wondering if your family will make it out of quarantine still intact? Let me help you recognize each of the four personalities in your children, according... read more →
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." -Napolean Hill This social distancing is really difficult for a people person. I know how COVID19 is impacting my business, as well--thank God for ZOOM video conferencing. The fear of the unknown is huge and most people have many... read more →
“Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." --Napolean Bonaparte We could hear the sudden storm approaching in the pine trees. The wind sounded like a freight train coming. We could see the pine trees across the lake bending in the wind. Thunder was rolling in... read more →