"You cannot antagonize and influence at the same time." --John Knox There's an elementary school at the end of the street where Truffle and I walk everyday and there a lots of kids in our neighborhood. When kids see Truffle, their first instinct is to run up to her, because... read more →
"Leader's touch a heart before they touch a hand." --John C. Maxwell I had the extreme privilege of hanging out with some amazing people today (Saturday.) I had the pleasure of co-hosting John Maxwell's Live2Lead 2019, the simulcast of the live, premier, leadership event in Atlanta. We were with a... read more →
"When you let go, you create space for something better.” --Anonymous I love fall. It's one of the most beautiful and mysterious seasons. We can look at the exact same kind of trees all in a row and some of the leaves have turned and some haven't. How does that... read more →
"Take a deep breath, get present in the moment and ask yourself what is important this very moment." --George McKeown When I was younger, I watched my dad gently break the smaller, lower branches off of the tomato plants in our garden. "Why are you doing that, Dad," I asked. "These... read more →
"So, what is SQUIRREL! Syndrome? According to the experts, it is a spontaneous reaction to what the experts call “shiny objects.” --Tabitha Erck I promise! This is the last of "The Move" emails. I learned so much that I just had to share. The first learn/reminder is the SQUIRREL! Syndrome. Unfortunately, ... read more →
"Honor your commitments with integrity.” ― Les Brown In "The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork," John Maxwell writes about the Law of Countability. This law is all about being able to count on each other. One of the things that I love about teaching a subject is that I have... read more →
"The most powerful leadership tool that you have is your own personal example.” ― John Wooden I was writing a devotional this morning on a Bible chapter, Titus 2. Paul was instructing Titus on essential guidelines to teach to leave a godly legacy for future generations. Paul wrote a list... read more →
"Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power. " ― Benjamin Disraeli I am not waiting with joy. I am waiting for this move to just be over. I've been feeling oppressed, anxious, discontent and just generally grumpy. Distracted is a good description, too. There... read more →
"Wouldn't it be great if emotional baggage could be lost just as easy as aircraft luggage? " ― Anonymous Two more weeks and you won't have to hear me talk about moving anymore. I am amazed at all the stuff we've accumulated in the last nineteen years. I say nineteen,... read more →
"No matter what our achievements might be, we think well of ourselves only in rare moments. We need people to bear witness against our inner judge, who keeps book on our shortcomings and transgressions. We need people to convince us that we are not as bad as we think we... read more →