“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future.”
–Denis Waitley
This was my post on Facebook last night after another long day of house hunting. “37 homes and and maybe it’s time to look in Pasco. What are the good neighborhoods?” As I scrolled down through the replies, I read this, “37 homes? I think you’re too picky.” The hair on the back of my neck stood up, as I pondered a sarcastic reply. As I thought about it, I caved to that probability and replied, “totally possible.”
Then “The Committee” in my head started. “Maybe you are too picky. You’ve looked at that many and maybe your dream home isn’t out there. Maybe you should just settle for…blah, blah, blah.” I was just weary of thinking about it, so I went to sleep.
You may remember me sharing before that if you have a problem, you ask your subconscious for a solution before you go to sleep. Many times, you’ll wake up with the solution because your subconscious will work on it while you are sleeping. Guess what my subconscious worked on all night? Yep, that I should settle for a home that doesn’t fit most of my simple parameters and desires. My attitude was, “I’m tired of looking, maybe we should make an offer on that one that I could live in…if I repainted, re-carpeted, moved that wall, revamped the yard, put a bathtub in the master and then some…”

Now I’m laughing, because after my quiet time and coffee, I stood up, squared my shoulders and told that stinking Committee to “shut up, because I do not settle…ever.”
That should be your attitude, as well, when someone tries to steal YOUR dream. We weren’t created to settle. The acorn doesn’t settle for 5 feet tall, it grows into a mighty oak. The Spirit of every human is always seeking fuller expression and expansion–it’s in our DNA. We never “arrive.” That’s why we have that inner urge to be, do and have more. The Journal of Consumer Research points out that people who set ambitious goals tend to be happier than those with lower expectations. It’s who we are!!!
I’m grateful for that person who said I might be too picky. It blew up my weariness and refueled my desire to find the home, that I know in my heart, is out there. So dust off your dreams. Pursue them with all your might. It doesn’t matter what someone says, if they laugh, think you can’t afford it, or question your sanity. Do not let anyone, or your thoughts or beliefs, steal your dream. DO NOT SETTLE. You are so worth it. I believe in you and I believe in your dreams.
In hot pursuit,
Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team
Follow me on facebook for more leadership tips @janmariemcdonald
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