“Leader’s touch a heart before they touch a hand.”
–John C. Maxwell
I had the extreme privilege of hanging out with some amazing people today (Saturday.) I had the pleasure of co-hosting John Maxwell’s Live2Lead 2019, the simulcast of the live, premier, leadership event in Atlanta. We were with a great group of people in Richland, WA! Nothing fires me up more than being with people who are seeking growth and transformation not only for themselves, but for the team members of their organizations.
Hands down, every speaker talked about the importance of relationships. Leadership is not about position or title, it’s about valuing, empowering and enriching the lives of the people around us. It’s not about the perks and benefits or power of leading, it about our hearts for those that we serve. Yes, we need to have the attitude of serving rather than being served. That sounds counter intuitive in today’s world, doesn’t it?

John Maxwell, or maybe it was Chris Hogan–I left my notes at the event venue–said that our followers want us to ask them these questions:
1. How are you?
2. What are you working on?
3. How can I help?
And then take the time to listen closely to their answer. When we lead and connect with our team on a deeper level, it produces employee retention, loyalty, more productivity and unity. Who wouldn’t want to work with an organization that has that culture?
Where is your heart when it comes to leading others? Do you actively listen to them as people and not just as team members? Are you motivated by the desire to serve others? Do you daily add value to those that you serve?
Albert Schweitzer wisely said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: The ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”
Growing right along with you,
Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team
On Facebook https://business.facebook.com/janmariemcdonald/
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