“Enjoy the journey. Recognize that something unexpected might be a good thing.”
–Dennis McDonald
are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? Dennis and I failed at
one that we agreed upon before noon on New Year’s Day! Ha!
We both determined that we needed to slow down our lives a bit. It seems
like both of us were always hurrying to accomplish something. Slowing
down would allow us to enjoy our journeys more. This would allow us to
appreciate our surroundings more with all of our senses; sight, sound,
touch, smell, and emotions. How much more would we enjoy our food if we
focused on actually tasting it, rather than another task to check off?
We could also recognize the divine appointments that God often brings
with others that we may be able to touch in that moment.
Dennis and I decided to accompany a group of people that posted a
Tapteal Greenway hike on Facebook on New Year’s Day. We got there a bit
late because we got lost. That put us at the back of the hikers. There
were 30 people and most of them were older. (This always makes me laugh
because they were probably our age–we just don’t think that we’re older
yet:) The going was slow and flat. Not our idea of a good time.
I had assumed it would be something like Badger Mountain, uphill with a
wide enough path to pass people that weren’t going as fast as I’d like.
I really wanted to get in a good cardio workout. Given the option, I
would have turned around to find something harder. Dennis asked if this
was as frustrating for me as it was for him. Yep.
And then an “aha!” moment. “Hmmm…slow, flat and a skinny path. Not
optional for passing up people and moving faster,” he quietly
commented. I agreed.
Then he whispered, “Interesting. Here we are chomping at the bit to go
faster. There goes our New Year’s Resolution to enjoy the journey.” He
laughed and then added. “It’s taking 30 people walking in front of us at
a leisurely pace to slow us down.” Dang, I hate it when he’s right.

AND THEN, they stopped to take a group picture! At that point, we made the decision to take a deep breath and go with the flow. The view along the hike was so beautiful. The sun shown on the Yakima River and everyone was enjoying themselves.
The lead hiker, who had been this way many times, shared what kind of flowers would be blooming in April on the plants that he pointed out. He told us the history of the Greenway and the farmer that gave them the easement so we could hike there. We met some new friends and found out there will be more educational hikes in the future. The hike was delightful!
On the way back, Dennis and I were out front and picked up the pace. We discussed our “take-aways” from our resolution hijack. We both agreed that we could be too destination focused. I was reminded that it can be so easy to get frustrated when things don’t live up to my expectations. Bad attitude can sometimes creep in. (Did I really write that out loud?) Dennis was grateful for all the things that we learned about the area. We both enjoyed the beauty and anticipate the hike there in the spring to see the flowers. Oh my, what would we have missed if we would not have slowed down?
What about you? Are you missing something by always seeking the next destination? Maybe it’s time to slow down and enjoy the journey for you, too. Just sayin’.
Slowly typed,
Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team
For more leadership tips, check out my facebook @janmariemcdonald
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