“There’s nothing as exciting as a comeback – seeing someone with dreams, watching them fail, and then getting a second chance.”
–Rachel Griffiths
“You’re kidding me…really…Tiger Woods won the Masters?” That’s what I said after my hubby told me Tiger won. I watched the replay of the end of the Masters Tournament and I cried. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it.
It was 2009, when Tiger’s problems started with his wife, and he lost everything. He lost his wife, millions of dollars in sponsorships and was worried about losing his kids. He spent time in the necessary rehab and when he went back to playing golf, all respect for him was gone. Not only that, but people were laughing at him, seeing him through the eyes of his failures.
Then he had all those back surgeries and the accompanying reliance on pain killers. It is said that even Tiger wondered if he would ever play professional golf again. Tiger fought through it all to become a champion again. What an exciting comeback!

What do you need to fight through? What is in your background that is holding you back? Is there something about you that you would rather people didn’t ever find out?
I remember going to AA meetings with my Blue Book in my purse. Please, God, don’t let anyone see me going to or coming from this meeting. I already felt bad enough and I couldn’t bear the ridicule. However, those who loved and cared for me didn’t laugh–they were totally supportive. My tribe encouraged me through my comeback.
I don’t know how Tiger struggled back to Champion. I hope he writes a book about it. I do know that one of his son’s dreams was to see his father win big again. His tribe supported him. At some point, I think he separated his being from his behavior. He is not a failure, some of his behaviors failed. I believe he stopped caring what other people thought of him, too. I would bet he took the necessary steps to ask for forgiveness from those he hurt and then he forgave himself. Tiger is not the same person he was in 2009. He’s an overcomer.
“We throw a wet blanket of ho-hummery over our lives when we live in fear of what others might think, instead of in celebration over who we are.” Jen Sincero
Need a comeback? Maybe you need to take some of the above steps. You can do it! There are people out there who need you and your voice, just as you are. You aren’t the only one with skeletons in your closet. Get them out, dust them off, talk to another flawed person about them (yes, we’re all flawed). Once those questionable experiences are out in the open, their power over you is gone.
And one more thing, yesterday ended last night and today is a brand new day. Forget about who you were, and what you did, and become that person you know in your heart you can and desire to be.
Using flaws as spring boards,
Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team
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