“Welcome today. Another day, another chance. Feel free to change.”
–I have no idea; I saw this quote and liked it.
About a month ago, my email was on letting go http://www.empowermentmentor.com/janmcdonald/let-go-of-the-old/ . I got so many comments back on that one that I thought I would share tips to welcome the new into our lives.
These are some thoughts that occurred to me while cutting back the day lilies and dead hostas out of my yard. This needs to be done in the fall so the plant can go dormant to store up energy for the new and beautiful growth of next year. They welcome this pruning…unlike me…because it helps them grow and produce even more beautiful leaves and flowers.
I like certainty, familiarity and comfort zone most of the time. It makes me feel like I have control. Yeah, right. The other night, my daughter said, “Feeling like we have control over our lives is just an illusion.” We laughed hard and long about that.

Remember back to the times when we used maps to be able to find unfamiliar places? You could see the whole way of your trip, from beginning to end. That was so comforting. Now we have The Controller (my name for the voice in my phone who tells me where to go,) who we have to trust one step at a time. Talk about being out of control.
About two weeks ago, I plugged a destination into my phone. The Controller said, “Go left on 44th.” My response, “Left? Why? What next? No, that can’t be right! I’ve never gone that way before this can’t be right because I have no clue where I’ll end up where are you taking me do you know what you’re doing and where we’re going?”
Wait a minute, Jan, The Controller knows. Just relax and listen. I took a deep breath, relaxed my shoulders and welcomed her instruction.
OMGoodness! I found the Post Office! And I found my bank! I drove a little jaunt down Columbia Park Trail, the old highway next to the Columbia River. The trees were all the different colors of autumn! It was beautiful! And there was hardly any traffic. What a great adventure!
What would I have missed by not welcoming the new? How many times have I let “I’ve never done it that way/or gone this way” stand in the way of something new and better appearing? What does it cost me to not open my eyes and welcome potential new opportunities? What limiting beliefs or habits do I allow to hold me back because they are familiar?
How do we welcome the new into our lives?
1. Embrace the fear…yes, fear of looking stupid, of not being enough, of not knowing enough, of getting lost. You fill in the blank. Instead of looking at fear as our greatest enemy, how about we see fear as a friend that wants to help us become a better version of ourselves? Ask fear, “What are you trying to show me or teach me?” Wait for it…and I think you may be surprised at the answer.
2. See unfamiliarity or uncertainty as an adventure, or as an opportunity for growth. “Become at ease with the state of ‘not knowing.'” quotes Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now.
3. Nature abhors a vacuum, so letting go of an old belief system, a negative habit or thought pattern necessitates replacing it with a thought that serves us. Before we can replace, we need to first identify the belief and the emotion that triggers it. To do that, you’ll have to stop…not stuff it, not ignore it or run from it. Stop. Feel it. Accept it. Then ask yourself this, “Who do I want to be in this moment.” Then be that person. Welcome the new you!
This mindset shift can happen in a couple of minutes. It will take practice. You didn’t get this way over night. It’s a process. Let me know if you get stuck. I’m happy to help because new opportunities and adventures await you!
Welcoming the new all the time,
Jan McDonald
The John Maxwell Team
On Facebook https://business.facebook.com/janmariemcdonald/
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