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Mastermind Group with Thursday Thought Leaders


Life is now in session! Are you present? Are you moving forward? Are you focused on improving yourself? If the answer is ‘no’, why not? NOW is the time to begin your growth…with the next Mastermind Group with Thursday Thought Leaders.

Product Description

MM Group image to use for marketing

As a Founding Partner and certified coach, teacher and speaker for the John Maxwell Team , I couldn’t be more excited to help you take your life and business to the next level. You know one of the things that drives my passion for leadership every single day is that I get to add value to people and be a catalyst for change in their life.

So I have a couple of questions for you:

When was the last time you invested in your personal growth?

Do you have a growth plan to take you from where you are right now… to where you want to be? And if not, WHY?

One way to invest in personal growth is by being in an environment with others who are like-minded, committed and motivated to make lasting changes in their lives —-and in the lives of others…that is the power of a Mastermind Group…

Here are 3 reasons why joining a Mastermind group is great way to invest in yourself.

1- Personal Growth: To reach your potential you must grow. And to grow you need to be intentional. Being in a Mastermind group will help you learn and grow and develop yourself so you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.

2. Contribution: In a MM group everyone one contributes to the conversation and shares their learnings -which empowers others to be more than they were before. This in turn allows new ideas and new ways of looking at things that you might not see with only your own thinking.

3. Connection: Successful people share a great ability to connect with others. just doesn’t develop by accident. When you connect with others you not only develop yourself but also help others to overcome roadblocks standing in their way to success. Many new friends, opportunities and breakthroughs are made when we connect on a personal level during the sessions.

Success is intentional! As Jim Rohn once said, “Success is something you attract by the person you become.” And by being in a Mastermind group it will reap great benefits to you and to those around you.

Contact me to learn more about ‘Mastermind Groups‘ and ‘Special Intro Classes‘ I’d love to hear from you.

Here’s to the growth that awaits!

Contact Me HERE