“A leader must give up to go up.” ~ John C. Maxwell
Every person who has achieved any success in life has made sacrifices to do so. How many people do you know that wish they had more but don’t want to make the sacrifices necessary to make it happen in their lives? If you want to be a successful leader, you will have to gift up something along the way….on your road to your destiny. Don’t be the “Ya, but” kind of leader – or person for that matter – to get out of the responsibilities because you CHOSE to be the leader, and now have to deliver!
When you have no responsibilities, you can do pretty much anything you want. Once you take on your leadership responsibility, you start to experience limitations in what you can do. The more responsibility you accept, the fewer options you will have.
As you rise in leadership, the responsibilities increase and your rights decrease.
“What sacrifices have leaders in your organization made? How have these sacrifices paid off?
Give an example of something you had to give up in order to reach a goal you set for yourself?
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