Power Principles | Nigel Matthew

nigel smallPower Principles with Nigel Matthew

Get ready to revolutionize the effectiveness of your personal development and influential reach. Plug into Nigel Matthew’s Power Principles and tap into the keys to transforming potential into accomplishment. This is a six-part high voltage (empowerment mentoring) session that will enable you to create a unique learning model for achievement in every area of your life.

Knowledge and abilities are largely determined not only by IQ but by harnessing the output from experiences and interactions. With Power Principles, Nigel connects with individuals with diverse backgrounds to immediately expand their capabilities. Learn more effectively as you explore basic virtues of Honesty and Courage, and concepts such as Focus and Leadership to help you “grow forward” towards your life’s vision and purpose.


The six Power Principles to be covered are:

  • Understanding
  • Honesty & Vision
  • Persistence & Focus
  • Courage & Intuition
  • Leadership & Faith and
  • Giving

Make the connection and experience more intentional success and fulfilment in impacting the world around you!

Power Principles with Nigel is available in the third quarter of 2017.