Put Your Dream to the Test!
Leadership Expert, *John Maxwell describes a dream as an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. A genuine dream is a picture and blueprint of a person’s purpose and potential.
We invite you to embark upon a learning journey that is designed to prepare you to Put Your Dream to the Test so that you can achieve it.
Not to discover your dream, take responsibility for it, and act upon it could negatively affect yourself as well as all those who would benefit from your dream. John’s teachings and these sessions will help you to say ‘Yes’ to your dreams and will show you how to achieve them.
John Maxwell certified coaches, want to prepare you to put your dream to the test so that you can actually achieve it. How? We believe that if you know the right questions to ask yourself, and if you can answer these questions in an affirmative way, you will have an excellent chance of being able to achieve your dreams. The more questions you can answer positively, the greater the likelihood of success!
All participants in the Put Your Dreams to the Test Mastermind will be provided with:
- Original copy of the Put Your Dreams to the Test book by John C. Maxwell and
- A workbook for their personal use and reference.
Questions you need to ask
Questions you need to ask and answers from this mastermind series –
Here’s a peak at ten of them:
- The Ownership Question: Is My Dream Really My Dream?
- The Clarity Question: Do I Clearly See My Dream?
- The Reality Question: Am I Depending on Factors within My Control to Achieve My Dream?
- The Passion Question: Does my Dream Compel me to Follow it?
- The Pathway Question: Do I Have a Strategy to Reach my Dream?
- The People Question: Have I Included the People I Need to Realize my Dream?
- The Cost Question: Am I Willing to Pay the Price for my Dream?
- The Tenacity Question: Am I Moving Closer to my Dream?
- The Fulfillment Question: Does Working Toward my Dream Bring Satisfaction?
- The Significance Question: Does my Dream Benefit Others?